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Ⅰ.Us histoarje

BEIJING DEMINA PRECISION MACHINERY CO., LTD  waard oprjochte yn 2003. As de advokaat en pionier fan 'e yndustry, Deming, hat it bedriuw ryk sammele. ûnderfining yn technology en tsjinst foar produktferkeap, wijd oan it jaan fan brûkers in mear wiidweidige oplossing. Op it stuit, ús bedriuw ûntwikkele lannen allerhanne cutting ark en drill slypjen apparatuer, kin leverje de meast geskikte produkten foar ferskillende brûkers, en soargje foar in folslein oanbod fan technyske advys tsjinsten; yn Peking it ark service sintrum, Tianjin en omlizzende gebieten jouwe manufacturing de totale carbide ark, de totale alloy bit en net standert cutting ark en grinding; hat ek mear as 10 jier fan masine ark manufacturing en ûntwikkeling ûnderfining fan ús bedriuw, ûntwikkeling en produksje fan BT150 rige diamant ark grinding masine, universele ark grinding masine en BT560 type ark detection ynstrumint, tool grinding masine CNC transformaasje en ark grinding applikaasje software. Yn 2016 hawwe wy in folsleine produksje- en produksjebasis foar masjine-ark fêstige yn Jing'an County, Jiangxi Province, en fêstige Jiangxi Geqi Grinding Technology Co., Ltd. en Jiangxi Demina Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. de training fan snijtalinten.

Ⅱ.Our Fabriek

Us fabryk hat in totale ynvestearring fan 122,8 miljoen yuan, beslacht in gebiet fan hast 50 acres, wêrfan it bougebiet 23.466 kante meter is, mei 1 kantoargebou, 2 pakhuzen en 4.000 kante meter oan wittenskiplik ûndersyk en wenkompleks.

As in yndustry lieder yn 'e ûntwikkeling en fabrikaazje fan ark grinding masines, Demina Manufacture Center hat tsientallen jierren fan oerfloedich ûnderfining yn it ûntwerpen fermogen en profesjonele manufacturing arsjitektuer. It sintrum is net allinich in liedende leveransier fan PCD-ark-slypmasines en tool-analyzers, mar leveret ek tsjinsten lykas CNC-transformaasje fan hânbestjoerde arkslypmasines, it reparearjen fan CNC-arkslypmasines, it opwurdearjen fan kontrôlesysteem, it bywurkjen fan software en sa fierder.

Ⅲ.Our Products

4-Axis CNC PCD Tool Grinder BT-150D

< 32>

De masine is geskikt foar massive produksje fan carbid ynfoegje, PCD en CBN ynfoegje. Sadree't it sintrum is klear, sil grinding automatysk dien wurde. It sels konsumpsje fan grinding tsjil kin wurde mjitten en kompensearre troch it systeem, sadat produksje mei lange syklus tiid kin wurde mjitten. De diameter fan it grindwiel150mmDirect Drive Spindle mei wetterkoeling3KW RPM fan slijpspil0~3.000RPMFeroarbere klaringshoek-5° ~25 °Maksimale fergrutting fan optyske mikrokop4 kearYndustriële PC en display 15 "Fergrutting fan CCD-measuringsysteem100kearKoelvloeistoftank mei filterpapieroer 70L Elektryske oanbod12KwSpanning  oanfrege380V/Three phrace/50Hz 104>Gewicht mei koelmiddeltank106>2000Kg108>109>110>111>112>BT-150J Superhard Tool Grinding Machine114 >

BT-150J PCD Tool Grinder is betrouber yn prestaasjes en maklik te betsjinjen. It freget heul bytsje hânfeardigens. It swingen fan grinding tsjil regele troch PLC is glêd en sûnder omkearde trilling. Sûnder tsjilhandgrepen is it maklik om it swingberik, frekwinsje en swingposysje te kontrolearjen troch op de knop te drukken. De masine dy't 'rapid feed' en 'precision feed' brûkt om rappe feed / retraction (0.5mm / turn) en wurkfeed (3mm / turn) te foltôgjen. Dit soarget foar de produksje effisjinsje en feeds presyzje.

< 196>9198>Fergrutting fan CCD-measuringsysteem202>203>204>10206>15 Industrial Displayer<234 >
Main Technical Parameters:
1 De diameter fan it slijpwiel150mm
2Direct Drive Spindle with Water Cooling3KW<143 >
3RPM fan grindspil0~3000RPM
4PLC Numerike kontrolearre oscillaasje en kontrôle op it paniel
5Max. Oscillaasjeberik30mm
6Max. Oscillaasjefrekwinsje60 kear/minút
7Snelle oanpak weromlûke en presys feeding3mm/beurt

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0,5 mm/beurt

8Feedresolúsje0,001 mm
100 kear15
11Elektryske oanfier12Kw
12Spanning  oanfrege 380V/Three phrase/50Hz
13Kompresje fan luchtremming op rotaasjeas6bar

Boarslijpmasine BT-40

Boar, tap, fersinker en stapboarkan wurde grûn op BT-40 sûnder wiidweidige training. De fertikale slijpwiel makket web thinning hiel maklik. Seis-kaak chuck mei hege krektens garandearret de run-out in drill fertsjinnet. Slijpdiameter2~40mmPunthoek40°~180°<268 >Horizontale wielspilkracht0.76KWVertikale wielspilkracht0.18KWTsjil snelheid3380 rpmspanning24V

BT-560 Tool Analyzer

De analysator wurdt brûkt foar it mjitten fan de geometryske eleminten (lykas de diameter, radius, en de snijhoeke) fan boren en cutters . It makket gebrûk fan 'e arkmikroskoop en CCD-kamera om it byld te fergrutsjen en de real-time werjefte te realisearjen, en de bestjoeringshendel en elektroanyske hânwiel om de mjitposysje fluch en krekt yn te stellen.

BT-150E 5-Axis CNC Tool Grinding Machine

BT-150E 5-Axis CNC Tool Grinder is foarsjoen fan in spesjaal CNC systeem, mei tool grinding applikaasje software basearre op Windows XP. It kin grind boren, ein molens, en bal noas fan HSS en carbid. Alle programma's kinne wurde bewarre, kopiearre, omneamd en wizige. Foardat jo begjinne mei it slypjen fan it ark, kin 2D-simulaasje makke en befêstige wurde, sadat goede oanpassing mooglik is.

< 333><346 >Riel middengat<384 >190mm<420 >60rpm< 446><460 >

Ⅳ.Product Application

De produksje fan BT150-searje diamant-ark-slijpmasjine is geskikt foar massive produksje fan karbid-ynserts, PCD- en CBN-ynserts.

Ⅴ.Our Certificate

1. 150B 2-axis CNC diamant ark grinding masine wûn it Beijing Nije Technology en Nij Produkt Sertifikaat
2. 150D 3-as CNC diamant ark grinding masine wûn de Beijing Nije Technology en New Product Certificate
3. Beijing Demina Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. krige it hege-tech ûndernimmingssertifikaat
4. Beijing Demina Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. krige Zhongguancun High-tech Enterprise Certificate
5. Earste priis fan 'e 6e China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition yn Jiangxi Province
6. De Excellence Award yn 'e Advanced Manufacturing Industry fan' e 6e China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition yn 2017
7. Yn 2018, de earste priis fan 'e ûndernimmende groep fan' e earste "Creation of the Beautiful" Entrepreneurship Competition yn Yichun, Jiangxi
8. Mr.Shu Zhiyong -de algemien direkteur fan Demina Precision waard selektearre as in liedend ûndernimmend talint yn it "Dûbeltûzenplan" fan 2018 yn 'e provinsje Jiangxi.

Guon sertifikaatfoto's binne as folget:


Us produkten binne basearre op 'e Sineeske merk. En ús klanten omfetsje mear as 20 provinsjes, gemeenten en autonome regio's yn Sina, en wurde eksportearre nei de Feriene Steaten, Meksiko, Turkije en Japan, Súd-Korea, Maleizje, Tailân, Yndia, Singapore, Súdeast-Aazje en oare lannen.<487 >

Ⅶ.Our Service


Proaktyf leverje de relevante ynformaasje fan ús produkten oan klanten, jouwe guon suggestjes oan klanten om de masine te keapjen dat it bêste past by har behoeften, en behearsket de metoaden fan gebrûk en ûnderhâld fan 'e masine.

On-sale Service:

Respektearje klanten en leverje de bêste tsjinst.<501 > Soargje foar produkt technyske oerlis foar brûkers; befêstigje wat se nedich binne en jouwe folsleine oplossingen foar brûkers.


<513 >

Wy sille de spoaren folgje fan it heule proses fan produkttsjinst en kwaliteit, folsleine oandacht besteegje oan klachten en suggestjes fan klanten, merkynformaasje prompt feedback meitsje, yntiidske oanpassingen meitsje en produkten direkt weromjaan dy't feroarsaakje kwaliteitsproblemen foar ús, sadat de produktkwaliteit fan it bedriuw en it servicenivo konstant ferbetterje en de mearderheid fan brûkers better tsjinje.

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    PCD Metal Cutting Tools Introduction

    PCD metal cutting tools can use PCD materials with high hardness, high wear resistance, high thermal conductivity, and low friction coefficient to achieve high precision, high efficiency, high stability, and high surface finish of non-ferrous metals and wear-resistant non-metallic materials. This kind of tool from the structure can be divided into welding PCD tool and indexable PCD blade.In recent years, PCD tools with standard shank have developed rapidly, such as PCD milling cutter with shank, PCD boring cutter, PCD reamer, etc. The tool shank types are mainly cylindrical shank, taper shank, and HSK shank. This kind of tool (especially the multi-tooth tool) is characterized by the cutting edge of the shank runout small (such as the blade length of 30mm HSK handle PCD milling cutter cutting edge runout is only 0.002mm), especially suitable for a variety of non-ferrous metal parts of the forming surface, hole, step hole and other large quantities of high-speed processing. For example, the PCD high-speed milling cutter with aluminum matrix cutter head (six edges, diameter 100mm), the maximum speed can reach 20,000R/MIN, above, the cutting speed can reach 7,000M/MIN, suitable for forming surface processing of automotive parts.The indexable PCD blade is made by inlaying a PCD knife blank on the indexable carbide blade and then grinding it. It can be clamped on the cutter bar, cutter holder, or cutter head of various CNC machine tools and used for high-reliability mass processing. With the increasing popularity of CNC machine tools, machining centers, and automatic production lines, the use of indexable PCD blades is more and more, and the tool’s durability can be improved dozens of times compared with carbide tools.(2) PCD woodworking toolsPCD woodworking tools can be divided into PCD saw blades and PCD shaped woodworking milling cutter two categories.PCD saw blade is to weld the PCD blade blank on the saw blade matrix and then warpThe structure of the PCD saw blade is similar to that of the carbide saw blade after grinding. The difference is that the front Angle of the PCD saw blade is smaller than that of the carbide saw blade, generally, 5° ~ 10°, wedge Angle 65° ~ 75°, the size of the saw blade is generally from 100 to 450mm, and the number of sawteeth can be up to 72 teeth.The main varieties of PCD forming woodworking milling cutter are used for processing Al2O3 layer of laminated wood floor trimming knife, PCD groove knife, PCD furniture forming knife, etc. Its processing method is the shape of PCD cutting tool one-time copy (or combination) to be processed wood. The cutting speed of PCD forming woodworking milling cutter can reach 3,000m/min, and the cutting volume can reach several meters per minute. The cutter’s durability is dozens or even hundreds of times that of carbide cutting tools. Because of its high efficiency and high durability, it is especially suitable for mass processing.

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    Why To Chose PCBN Metal Cutting Tools

    PCBN metal cutting tools can also be divided into welding PCBN tools and indexable PCBN blade two categories.Welding type PCBN tool is the PCBN insert blank welded on the steel matrix by grinding, mainly turning tool, boring tool, reamer, and so on. PCBN tools are mostly used for wear-resistant ferrous metal processing, so the tool Angle can not be too small, the tool rectangle is generally -5° ~ 5°, the back Angle is generally 3° ~ 10°, intermittent cutting is generally negative chamfering.PCBN insert of transposition structure (mainly for the lathe tool and milling tool) is generally in a corner of the transposition cemented carbide blade inset welding a PCBN insert blank, by grinding. In consideration of the more expensive and regrinding knife blank and other reasons, generally only made of a knife tip. With the improvement of welding process quality, the shear strength can reach 0.78kg/m². With the PCBN insert blank size smaller and smaller, not regrinding PCBN blade price also decreases. Because PCBN tools have high wear resistance and long life, it is also ground for many times, many customers like to choose PCBN metal cutting tools for product processing.It needs a tool grinding machine for grinding PCBN inserts. Beijing Demina PCBN tool grinding machine can grind and regrind PCBN cutting tools with high efficiency.

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    Grinding Procedures Of BT-150N Tool Grinder

    Grinding Procedures Of BT-150N Tool GrinderAt first, set the grinding wheel inclination as the second clearance angle (normally from 0°to 18°), and turn the rotary table at a proper position so that the left cutting edge parallel to the X-axis of the hairline on the video displayer. That is the cutting edge parallel to the grinding wheel end face. Turn the fast feed handwheel to move the tool immediately in front of the grinding wheel end face, and then feed forward with figures screwing the micro feed wheel. The grinding wheel is removing the PCD&CBN material until you stop. Try it one or more times until the new cutting edge appears. Do the same to the second cutting edge.Secondly, center the tooltips again by turning the two handwheels on the cross worktable. Drive the grinding wheel quickly forward until the PCD&CBN tool is near to the grinding wheel, and then feed ahead while swinging the rotary table. Radius cutting tip is forming gradually. As soon as the radius cutting edge coincides with the two linear cutting edges stop the feeding. Finally, set the grinding wheel inclination as the first clearance angle (normally from 5 ° to 8 ° ), do the same to the tools so that a very narrow flat (roughly 0.02mm thickness) comes into being on the cutting edge. The way described above is a normal method, and a special and more reasonable method is highly encouraged and reported to Demina precision. Special fixture design and even emendation to the machine will be considered by Demina as innovation.

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    Hoge kwaliteit comfortabel en antislip gel autozitkantoorstoel mat pad koel kussen rolstoel schuim ijs gel zitkussen

    Hoog Kwaliteit Comfortabele en Antislip Gel Auto Stoel Kantoor Stoel Mat Pad Koeling Kussen Rolstoel Schuim Ijs Gel ZitkussenHoegekwaliteitscomfortabele en antislipgel autostoelkantoor stoelmat pad koelkussen rolstoel foam ice gel zitkussen.Hochtswertig, komfortabel aanti-slip Gel Autositz Bürostuhl Matte Pad Kühlkissen Rollstuhl Schaumstoff Ice Gel Sitzkissen.Hoogkwalitatief, comfortabel en antislip Gel autostoel, kantoorstoel, mat, kussen, koelkussen, rolstoel, schuim, ijs-gel stoelkussen."High Quality Comfortable En Non-slip Gel Autozitkussen Kantoorstoel Mat Pad Cool Cushion Rolstoel Foam Ice Gel Seat Cushion" (in Frisian)Hôge kwaliteit komfortabele en net-slip sûne stoel mat päd cool kussen rolstoel foam iis gel stoel kussen."Hoog Kwaliteit Comfortabele en Anti-slip Gel Auto Stoel Kantoorstoel Mat Kussen Koele Kussen Rolstoel Schuim IJs Gel Stoelkussen"

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Technyske gegevens:

Work Head Frame

Hydraulic chuck BT 40
Tool Diameter Range3-25mm
Maksimum fan arklengte200mm
Maksimum fan arkdiameter125mm
Aantal tsjil1-3
Spindle Power< 359>5KW
Max.of Wheel Speed6000rpm
X-Axis Longitudinale Traverse 360mm
Z-as fertikale traverse180mm
Y-as horizontale traverse
A-as TraverseEndless
W-Axis Traverse0~200 °
De krektens fan lineêre as0.001 mm
De krektens fan de rotearjende as 0.001°
Maksimum lineêre as feedrate15m/min
Maksimum fan rotaasjeas
Controlling System5-assige kontrôlesysteem fan Dútslân Beckhoff
Measuring System Data Encoder
Main Power380V